The Nativity 2021
The nativity scene that has been set up in St. Peter’s Square for Christmas 2021 has made a long journey this time.
It came to Rome from Peru and specifically from a village called Chopcca whose community has been declared a Cultural Heritage of Peru for its importance in the culture of the Andes.
The nativity scene in the Vatican each year has its own special features.
A few years ago there were sand statues made by three sculptors, a Dutch, a Russian and a Czechoslovakian, then one made almost entirely of wood and last year a futuristic one inspired by the space race and the figures of astronauts.
The 2021 nativity scene consists of more than 30 life-size pieces made by five famous Peruvian artists.
The statues of the baby Jesus, the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, the Three Kings and the shepherds are made life-size from materials such as
– ceramics,
– maguey (agave)
– wood
– fiberglass,
and are dressed in typical Chopcca costumes.
Jesus has the likeness of a “Hilipuska” child, so called because he is wrapped in a typical Huancavelica blanket and is tied with a “chumpi” or woven belt.
The Three Kings carry saddlebags or sacks containing
– potatoes,
– quinoa,
– kiwicha,
– cañihua,
and are accompanied by llamas who will carry a Peruvian flag on their backs.
The birth of Jesus was announced by an angel child, who played the typical Andean wind instrument called Wajrapuco.
In the crib there are also statues of different animals belonging to the Peruvian fauna such as:
– alpacas,
– vicunas,
– sheep,
– vizcachas,
– parihuanas
and also the Andean condor, national symbol of Peru.
This year also under the colonnade until Sunday, January 9, 2022 are exposed 126 cribs, from various nations in Europe, such as Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and Croatia and from the world, including Kazakhstan, Peru, Indonesia, Uruguay, Colombia and the United States.