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+34 643077310 olibontravel@gmail.com

Travel in Italy – Covid February 2022

Travel in Italy – Covid February 2022


Green Pass “Base”

Issued following vaccination, recovery or molecular or antigenic testing, in this case, with a validity limited to 48 hours.

Green Pass “Rafforzato” / Reinforced

Valid for 6 months, which is only obtained following vaccination or recovery, and is required to access certain services and transportation.

The vaccination certificate issued following completion of the vaccination cycle with EMA-authorized vaccine is considered by Italy as equivalent for use in the national territory.

Certificate of recovery issued by foreign authorities is considered equivalent to the Italian one, for use on the national territory, only if issued by the competent authorities of Canada, Japan or the United States.

Certificates equivalent to the Italian Green Pass

Certificates on vaccine received abroad must contain the following information
– identification data of the holder,
– vaccine data,
– date(s) of vaccine administration,
– identification data of the person who issued the certificate,
– written in Italian, English, French, Spanish or German.

From January 10 to March 31, 2022, access to:
– Hotels and other accommodations, including in-house food services reserved for guests;
– Public transport on national territory only (planes for domestic flights, trains on national territory, ships and ferries used for interregional transport services, buses, cable cars, gondolas, chairlifts)
– Conventions, congresses, festivals, fairs;
– Parties following civil and religious ceremonies;
– museums and exhibitions or other places of culture;
– spas (except for essential services for rehabilitation and therapeutic purposes), – – cultural, social and recreational centers, theme parks and amusement parks;
is only permitted to individuals in possession of a Reinforced Green Pass.


Moreover, until March 31, 2022
– for the use of public transport on national soil (including trains, ferries and airplanes),
– for performances open to the public that take place indoors or outdoors,
– in theaters,
– concert halls,
– movie theaters,
– live music and entertainment venues
– and in other assimilated premises,
– for competitions and sporting events that take place indoors or outdoors,
the wearing of FFP2 respiratory protection masks is mandatory.


Until March 31, 2022, the consumption of food and beverages at the counter or table, indoors (from January 10, 2022 also outdoors), in food service establishments, is permitted only to those who are equipped with a Reinforced Green Pass.



A certificate stating the administration of the first dose of vaccine with two doses (second dose pending administration) is not sufficient for entry into Italy from abroad.

Which vaccines are recognized in Italy

– Vaccines recognized by EMA – European Medicines Agency (see Annex n. 1 to the Circular);
– Covishield (Serum Institute of India), produced under license by AstraZeneca;
– R-CoVI (R-Pharm), a product under license from AstraZeneca;
– Covid-19 vaccine-recombinant (Fiocruz), produced under license by AstraZeneca.

All foreign citizens vaccinated abroad with the above-mentioned vaccines will be entitled to access, on the national territory, all places and services for which the Green Pass is required (including enhanced), without the need to download exactly the latter.

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