+34 643077310 olibontravel@gmail.com
+34 643077310 olibontravel@gmail.com

Terms and Conditions


All request of bookings made through our website are accepted in accordance with the our TERMS & CONDITIONS set out in this document. 


Terms and Conditions of Contracting our services: Organization of Combined Trips and Leisure Activities.
In order to comply with all legal requirements in a clear and simple way, Olibon Travel SL intends to make the process of contracting its services as understandable and agile as possible for all parties.

Olibon Travel SL informs you that it abides by the specific regulations concerning the organization of package tours, in what the present conditions do not specify, always as complementary and supporting documents.
We are a brand dedicated to providing our users / customers experiences through the organization of package tours and leisure activities.

We seek to surprise our users/clients, showing them the beautiful landscapes, monuments, diversity of cultures, beaches and every charming corner of Spain, Italy, Europe, and other parts of the world.

1. Identification data of the Travel Agency:
On our part: Olibon Travel SL
CIF: B16847766
Webs: www.olinìbontravel.com – www.walkingonfrancigena.com
Activity: Tour Operator and Combined Travel Agency.
Address: Avenida Maria Cristina, 1 – 46001 Valencia, Spain.
Tel: +34-643077310 – +39064455792
E-mail: info@walkingonfrancigena.com – carlosrometours@gmail.com – olibontravel@gmail.com

General information about package tours

Package travel contract: It is the one whose object is the prior combination of at least two of the following elements, sold or offered for sale on the basis of a global price, when such service exceeds 24 hours or includes an overnight stay:
(a) Transportation.
b) Accommodation.
c) Other tourist services not ancillary to transportation or accommodation and which constitute a significant part of the trip.

Organizer: The legal or natural person who is in charge of organizing package tours on a regular basis and sells or offers them for sale, directly or through a retailer.
Retailer: The natural or legal person who sells or offers for sale the package proposed by an organizer.
Websites: Are our domains
Users/clients: Means those who book one or more services offered on our websites.
Assignee: Natural person to whom the main user/customer assigns the package tour.
Persons with reduced mobility: It is understood that they are those persons who to participate in the trip is reduced for reasons of physical disability (sensory or locomotor, permanent or temporary), intellectual disability or impairment, or any other cause of disability, or age, and whose situation requires appropriate attention and adaptation to their particular needs.
Services at destination: Means the offer of tickets or tickets for events or tourist attractions at travel destinations, for example: tickets to museums, guided tours.
General Terms and Conditions of Contract: means these general terms and conditions for reservations and uses related to our activity. As well as the modifications that are incorporated into them from time to time.
Royal Spanish Decree-Law 23/2018, of 21 December, on the transposition of directives on trademarks, rail transport and package tours and linked travel services. BOE, 27/12/2018. Amends RDL 1/2007 TRLGDCU Law 4/2022, of February 25, on the protection of consumers and users against situations of social and economic vulnerability. BOE 1/03/2022. Amends RDL 1/2007 TRLGDCU.

Contract: agreement that binds the user/client with the Travel Agency.
In the travel/trips section of the websites you can find specific information related to the conditions for contracting the package tour or specific leisure activity in which you are interested.

All package tours have a specific program. It establishes: dates, time, place of departure, destination, means of transportation, if a minimum number of participants is required, itinerary, what kind of documentation is required, etc.

The user/client must check the corresponding program according to the activity he/she selects through the forms adapted for this purpose in our webs www.olibontravel.com – www.walkingonfrancigena.com.
In these forms we request the necessary and indispensable data to be able to develop and organize correctly the activity of your preference. Please fill in all the fields marked as obligatory.
Travel Agency tries to write in a detailed, simple and illustrative way its programs. We have images, videos and comments from other users/clients who have lived the experience.

The programs, forms and all texts on the website are in Spanish, English and Italian.

All prices set forth on the website are indicated in Euros. Prices include VAT and the corresponding taxes.
Each program specifies what is included in the price established for that particular activity.
On the other hand, the user/client must take into account that the local authorities of certain countries may levy additional taxes (e.g. tourist taxes, etc.) which will be paid locally and is the sole responsibility of the user/client.

In case of additional expenses the OLIBON TRAVEL team will inform you if this is the case and in the time it is possible to establish the amount.
In the case of special prices, the reservation is made in the program and in the payment section of the form.

Means of payment:
The user/customer has several options to choose from. Olibon Travel provides the following means of payment:
a) Bank transfer.
b) Cash at the time of the beginning of the Tour.
c) Credit or Debit Card
The user/client is hereby informed that, in case he/she decides to pay by bank transfer or credit/debit card, Olibon Travel informs him/her that there will be an increase in the final price of the package tour or leisure activity, due to sales tax and shipping and handling established by such payment platform. Before making the payment, you will see the information/exact increased amount. You can continue if you wish, or simply go back and pay in cash.

Price revision:
Olibon Travel can only revise the price, upwards or downwards, before 20 days prior to departure, not being able to be more than 15% of the travel price. And such revision can only be made according to specific circumstances, such as: a) exchange rates applied to the organized trip; b) price of transportation included in the trip, including the cost of fuel, etc..

Confirmation of reservation:
With the payment made by the user/customer, and subsequently the sending of email by Olibon Travel confirming its quota, payment and attached the program of the package tour or leisure activity contracted by the user/customer.

We inform you of the existence of an assistance insurance, a cancellation expenses insurance, an insurance by Covid. In the form you must mark whether or not to take out one or more insurances, with the final price of the package having the respective increase. The exact amount will be displayed when you choose whether or not to take out insurance.

Customer service and claims management:
We have several means of customer service, we like to facilitate the experience as much as possible to our users / customers. Likewise, they can submit any claims and complaints they deem appropriate. The users/customers must be aware that they must be reliable. We will respond as soon as possible. The means that Olibon Travel has for both actions are:
a) e-mail: info@walkingonfrancigena.com – carlosrometours@gmail.com – olibontravel@gmail.com
b) tels: +34-643077310 – +39064455792

Rights and obligations of the parties:
User/client has the right to: – to transfer the reservation; – to withdraw; – to receive assistance from Olibon Travel; to claim; – to terminate the package travel contract under certain conditions.

Assignment of reservation:
User/Customer has the right to transfer his/her reservation to a third party of his/her choice who meets all the requirements specified in the specific travel program and in these general conditions. It must be communicated to Olibon Travel at least 15 days before the beginning of the trip, and any necessary management costs will be charged to the user/customer. In case it is done later, and Olibon Travel can accept it, it will be done but with an increase of the total price of the trip, which can be defined at the moment, with a minimum of 50€ for each change plus the management expenses.

Right of withdrawal:
User/customer has the right to withdraw from the package, in accordance with Article 160 of Legislative Spanish Decree 1/2007, on the Defense of the user and consumer and its amendments.
It may at any time cancel the services requested or contracted, being entitled to a refund of the amounts paid, but must compensate the Olibon Travel, unless such termination occurs due to force majeure.
In all cases, the user/client, must pay management and cancellation fees resulting from this right.
Likewise, if he/she does not show up at the departure, he/she is obliged to pay the total amount of the trip, paying, if applicable, the outstanding amounts.

The amounts of compensation are indicated below:
5% total trip price ,if it occurs more than 10 days and less than 15 days before the trip start date. 
15% total trip price, between 10 and 3 days.
25% total price of the trip, within 48 hours before departure.
The travel agency has a maximum of 1 month to refund the user/client the proportion that corresponds to the case.

Right of assistance:
If the defects produced during the execution of the contract are exclusively attributable to the user/consumer due to intentional or negligent conduct, he/she will not enjoy this right.

Right of termination:
You have the right to claim compensation equal to that provided for the cancellation of the package tour by Olibon Travel cited in numeral 3.5. of this document, when the resolution is caused by substantial and not beneficial to it by Olibon Travel.
As for the right to claim we have already specified in paragraph 2.9. therefore, we refer to that paragraph.
Travel Agency has the right to: – cancel trip; – modify contract; – revise price; –

Cancellation of the trip:
By Olibon Travel entitles the user/client to terminate the contract.
If the cancellation is communicated to the user/customer within 2 months before departure, the user/customer shall be paid compensation according to the time remaining before departure. Namely:
5% of the trip price, if communicated more than 15 days but less than 2 months in advance.
10% of the price of the trip, if it is communicated between 15 and 3 days in advance.
25% of the trip price, if communicated within 48 hours before departure.

Exception to these indemnities: no indemnity payment shall be due when:
(a) the number of persons registered is not the minimum number stipulated in the package tour program. The notification shall be made in writing and within a minimum period of 10 days.
b) when it is due to force majeure. That despite all due diligence it has not been possible to avoid such cancellation.

Modification of the Contract:
Prior to departure Olibon Travel can only make changes to the contract that are necessary for the successful completion of the package tour and that are not significant.

Obligations of the parties:
Both parties acknowledge and agree that they are bound by these conditions and as necessary with any rules or laws governing the matter. On the other hand, and by way of example, they agree to:
Respect the rules of good conduct and good customs.
Act in good faith
Collaborate in the normal development of the trip
To respect the corresponding deadlines and laws.
That he/she complies with the requirement of being of legal age.
The user/customer acknowledges that he/she has the legal capacity to contract and be bound by this contract.
The user/client is the only responsible for his/her belongings and personal objects.

Protection of Personal Data:
In this point we refer to our Terms of Use of the website and Privacy Policy.

Legislation and Jurisdiction:
In general, the processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the Spanish LO 15/1999, of Protection of Personal Data, its implementing regulations, and Spanish Law 34/ 2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and its amendments, and specifically to Royal Spanish Legislative Decree 1/2007, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws; as well as any other rules that apply depending on the subject.
The user expressly waives any jurisdiction that may apply, submit to Spanish law and jurisdiction, and before the courts of Valencia.
The users/customers are aware of all that has been exposed and accept it voluntarily.



Prices are based on rates and service prices applicable at booking time. In the unlikely event of unforeseen price increases by suppliers, we have the right to alter the prices and will notify to you immediately of the reason for such changes.
You then have the right to cancel (mandatorily by email) this service booking if  price is altered by more than 10%. In this case yuo can cancel this service booking without cancellation charges

For bookings made less than 30 days before your first service reserved, full payment is due at the time of booking.
To confirm the booking you must pay a non-refundable deposit equal to 20% of the value of the services requested at the time of booking. The services must be paid for in full at least 30 days before the starting date.
We accept payment by
– Credit or Debit  card (Visa & Mastercard);
– bank transfer;
– Stripe.
If it is not paid by that date we shall have the option to cancel the booking. If we  exercise that option or if you cancel the booking (mandatorily by email) the following cancellation charges are payable by you.

Percentage charge :
More than 30 days before starting date – the deposit.
29 – 20 days before starting date – 30% of cost.
19 – 15 days before starting date – 50% of cost.             
Less than 14 days before starting date – 100% of cost.   
Note: we highly recommend purchasing sufficient cancellation insurance.
You may cancel a service booking without cancellation charges, when the cost of a service is increased by more than 10%
The only service you can cancel free from charge is the service that has undergone the increase, all the other services, which have not undergone the increase, if canceled, are subject to the aforementioned charges

ALTERATIONS BY CUSTOMER                                                                                                                                   
If you wish to change your accommodations date,  transport destination, guided tours, or storage, after booking confirmation, we are generally faced with additional costs, just as with cancellations. Such alterations are therefore treated as cancellations. In cases where the alterations do not change the overnights date or destination, we will apply an administrative fee of 35€.         
No changes may be made less than 14 days before the service, or departure, and cancellation fees will apply.                  
All cancellation charges apply to each person covered by any booking. In the event that one person who is due to share a room or a guided tour, or a transfer, needs to cancel, then the other person will then be charged for the full price, or the individual supplement.

Our employees, shareholders, officers, directors, successors, agents and assignees does not own or operate any entity which is to be provided or does provide goods or services. We purchase all services from various independent suppliers. All such persons and entities are independent contractors. As a result, we are not liable for any negligent or wilful act of any such person or entity or of any third party.
In addition and without limitation, we are not responsible for any injury, loss, death, inconvenience, delay or damage to personal property in connection with the provision of any goods or services, whether resulting from but not limited to acts of God or force majeure, illness, disease, acts of war, civil unrest, insurrection or revolt, animals, strikes or other labour activities, criminal or terrorist activities of any kind, overbooking or downgrading of services, food poisoning, mechanical or other failure of vehicle or other means of transportation or for failure of any transportation mechanism to arrive or depart on time.
Very Important
There are certain inherent risks in walking tours or travel of this type. These include, but are not limited to, risks of cycling, horseback riding, hiking, swimming, walking and -on all trips- danger of animals. You assume all such risks with regard to these possibilities. Starting trip, you voluntarily assume all risks involved in such travel, whether expected or unexpected.

SPECIAL REQUEST                                                                                                                                                                        
You must inform us of all your special requests (e.g. ground floor accommodation, panoramicview, scheduled times, etc.) by email at booking time, before the final confirmation. We use reasonable endeavours to fulfil such requests. We shall invoice any additional costs directly engendered. We shall only be obliged to provide services in accordance with special requests only where we commit ourselves by providing in writing to do so.. No liability shall attach us for failure to comply with a special request which has not been confirmed inside the final booking confirmation.

Although not compulsory, we strongly recommend you to purchase a travel insurance covering the following: holiday cancellation, luggage loss and theft, personal and third party injuries and repatriation. We do not in any circumstances take responsibility for the previously mentioned.

In cases where you considers the booked service and actually delivered service differ, it is your duty to immediately bring such discrepancy to the attention of the local service provider (hotel, driver, etc.), who will clear up the matter or, where this is impossible, provide the client with a statement as to the circumstances and details of the occurrence. This statement, together with your written complaint, must be forwarded to olibontravel@gmail.com within 15 days from the incident.



Prices are based on rates and service prices applicable at booking time. In the unlikely event of unforeseen price increases by suppliers, we have the right to alter the prices and will notify to you immediately of the reason for such changes.
You then have the right to cancel (mandatorily by email) this service booking if  price is altered by more than 10%. In this case yoU can cancel this service booking without cancellation charges

Full payment is due at the time of booking.
We accept payment only by
– Cash
– Credit card (Visa & Mastercard);
– bank transfer;
– Stripe.

Cancellation 48 hours in advance entitles you to a full refund within 90-120 days. Just send an email to olibontravel@gmail.com.
If the cancellation occurs within 48 hours of the event, there is no refund, but it can be moved to another date if there is availability.
In case of extreme weather conditions, the tour may be canceled. In this case you will receive an email, and subsequently the refund.
In case you arrive late, we cannot guarantee participation in the tour, if the group has already left
We are not responsible for damage and accidents occurring during our tour.

We purchase all services from various independent suppliers. All such persons and entities are independent contractors. As a result, we are not liable for any negligent or wilful act of any such person or entity or of any third party.
In addition and without limitation, we are not responsible for any injury, loss, death, inconvenience, delay or damage to personal property in connection with the provision of any goods or services, whether resulting from but not limited to acts of God or force majeure, illness, disease, acts of war, civil unrest, insurrection or revolt, animals, strikes or other labour activities, criminal or terrorist activities of any kind, overbooking or downgrading of services, food poisoning, mechanical or other failure of vehicle or other means of transportation or for failure of any transportation mechanism to arrive or depart on time.

SPECIAL REQUEST                                                                                                                                                                        
You must inform us of all your special requests (e.g. ground floor accommodation, panoramicview, scheduled times, etc.) by email at booking time, before the final confirmation. We use reasonable endeavours to fulfil such requests. We shall invoice any additional costs directly engendered. We shall only be obliged to provide services in accordance with special requests only where we commit ourselves by providing in writing to do so. No liability shall attach us for failure to comply with a special request which has not been confirmed inside the final booking confirmation.

In cases where you considers the booked guided tour and actually delivered guided tour different, it is your duty to immediately bring such discrepancy to the attention of the turist guide, who will clear up the matter or, where this is impossible, provide the client with a statement as to the circumstances and details of the occurrence. This statement, together with your written complaint, must be forwarded to olibontravel@gmail.com within 15 days from the incident.



1)Ownership of the platform
Olibon Travel SL, is the sole owner of the web platforms www.bags-free.com – www.bags-free.it and network.bags-free.com, through which the Luggage Storage Service and additional related services are managed, as well as all the related inherent and consequent rights to the exploitation of the platform.
The Service is offered through the network.bags-free.com platform, and mobile applications that are under its control.

2)Content of the Service
Bags Free is a web based Service that allows to reserve a space used for storage for your luggage at  Professional Luggage Storage or other activities that offer an additional Luggage Storage service

3)Terms of use of the Platform
The Service offered consists of the purchase of spaces for a few hours, or days, for your baggage directly from Professional Luggage Storage or from other activities that offer the Luggage Storage Service in addition to others, and any other related services.
Data required for the service
To use the online service offered by Bags Free Network, you need to register, creating a user account, providing your personal data, necessary for the correct functioning of the service.
The data necessary for the service are the following:
-name and surname
-confirmation of age
The data provided must be correct and verifiable by identity document.
In the case of data differing from the identity document, the service will be considered canceled, and will still be charged to the customer.

4)Deposit procedure
Following the booking the customer will proceed with online payment.
Following payment the customer will receive the full address of the selected Luggage Storage.
The customer will have to go to the luggage storage with luggage and the reservation made to show to the Supplier.
At the end of the service, to pick up the baggage, the customer will have to indicate the assigned code and show his identity document.

5)Items to be deposited
It is allowed to deposit baggage and/or boxes containing personal items, of low commercial value, not prohibited by law.
Objects whose value is not sentimentally relevant to the customer (objects of personal value, special clothes – from collections, bridal wear, etc.)
It is not allowed to deposit baggage and/or boxes containing:
Money (coins, credit cards and travelers checks); Other non-negotiable values; goods for resale; Technological Material (Iphone, Ipad, Tablet, Pc, Smartphone, etc.); Metals (gold and silver in any form) and precious stones; Watches. Licenses and certificates negotiable (bills of lading); Software containing information of high value; Art objects; Antiques; Documents, tenders for participation in tenders and public or private, values ​​cards, meal vouchers and coupons, etc. Architectural Models; Furnishings
It is not allowed to deposit objects prohibited by law or considered dangerous under national law or whose packaging can be harmful to humans, the environment or other stored baggage.
The deposit of the following items is prohibited:
Food and Liquids, Plants and animals live or dead; Material that can be defined as pornographic or an adulterous; Armaments, firearms and weapons; Waste; Political Material; Hazardous Materials; Narcotic or psychotropic substances; Bulky goods; Pharmaceutical products; Cigarettes and alcohol; Fragile Objects, such as glass, bottles, etc. Biological Tissues and anatomical parts

6)Responsibility of the Custody and the Luggage Storage
The Professional Luggage Storage or Partner is personally responsible for the control and custody of the baggage for the period indicated in the reservation made on the network.bags-free.com platform.
The Supplier is exempted from any claim regarding valuables left inside the baggage, as it is expressly forbidden to leave valuables (even sentimental) in the luggage left in the storage (see point 5).

7)Baggage shipping
Any baggage shipping costs, as a result of failure to collect during the published opening hours of the deposit, are charged to the Customer.
Any baggage shipping costs, as a result of failure to notify closure by the Supplier, are charged to the Supplier.

8)Customer Warranty
The standard price includes a warranty based on the size of the luggage.
The warranty covers loss and obvious damage, such as external breaks.
The Warranty NEVER includes, in no case:

  • Breakage of handles, rods, wheels, hinges and zip rings, as they are stressed by the internal load of the luggage
  • Request for moral damages and lost profits
  • Any item included in point 5
  • Any object left loose, not inserted inside the baggage and/or box: like a jacket left on top of the baggage, externally attached travel pillow, bottles inserted in external pockets, etc., a non-exhaustive list
  • Damage resulting from another baggage, for which only the owner of the baggage is responsible
  • Small damages (small scratches, etc.) resulting from the deposit operations
  • Items inside the baggage and/or box that have not been packaged in a reasonably protective and safe manner
  • Damage attributable to normal wear and tear
  • Eventual  losses or damage caused directly or indirectly by force majeure events. These include without limitation earthquakes, storms, adverse weather conditions or natural physical disasters, power outages, epidemics, labor conflicts, civil unrest or riots, war, acts of terrorism or acts of God
  • Nonpayment of the price due to the Supplier

The Warranty includes:

  • Only the value of declared material assets less the devaluation due to usury.

Reimbursement recognized in Standard Warranty

  • Small (up to 10 Kg.) € 10
  • Medium (from 10 to 20 Kg.) € 20
  • Large (from 20 to 30 Kg.) € 30
  • Extra Large (from 30 to 50 Kg) € 50

It is possible to purchase a Warranty up to € 200 with an additional price of € 10 per bag.

9)Recognition of the Standard Warranty
To open the Warranty Reimbursement request the damage must be indicated at the time of pick up of the baggage at the Supplier.
From the moment that the luggage leaves the Luggage Storage, no Warranty can be requested, as the damage will not be attributable to the deposit.
The warranty request must be sent immediately to olibontravel@gmail.com
The personal data entered in the account registration must be confirmed by the identity document, as well as the email and telephone.
If one of these data is not valid, the request for Warranty Reimbursement will not be considered suitable and therefore Not Accepted.
The sentimental value of the articles is not relevant to their evaluation.

10)Recognition of the Supplementary Warranty
To open the Warranty Reimbursement request the damage must be indicated at the time of pick up of the baggage at the Supplier.
From the moment the luggage leaves the Luggage Storage, no Warranty can be requested, as the damage will not be attributable to the deposit.
The warranty request must be sent immediately to olibontravel@gmail.com
The personal data entered in the account registration must be confirmed by the identity document, as well as the email and telephone.
If one of these data is not valid, the request for Warranty Reimbursement will not be considered suitable and therefore Not Accepted.
To proceed with the opening of the Reimbursement Supplementary Warranty procedure the following data must be provided:

A complete description of the loss or damage suffered
List of every item damaged or lost
Purchase receipt for each item declared in the list
Any estimates for repair work
In case of theft, report to the authorities with the declaration of the specific content within 48 hours of the theft.
Once all the required documentation has been received, Olibon Travel will evaluate whether or not to accept the Warranty Reimbursement within 90 days.

11)Direct Transaction
The Customer agrees to mediate and transact the requested amount of Reimbursement directly with the Supplier.
Only in the case of a failed agreement between the parts will proceed with the request for a Standard or Extra Reimbursement with Olibon Travel SL

12)Damages to Supplier and other Customers
The Customer is responsible for the content of his baggage and fully responds to any damage caused by missing or unsuitable packaging, which causes damage to the Supplier or another Customer.

List prices to the public of the spaces made available are indicated on the network.bags-free.com platform or on the official social profiles.

14)Contractual Relationship and Responsibility
In relation to the supply of space and custody of baggage on the website, the contractual relationship is established between the Customer and the Supplier through the Olibon Travel network.bags-free.com platform.
Bags Free Network offers an intermediation service between Customer and Supplier and cannot be considered an integral part of the contract.
Olibon Travel SL doesn’t accept responsibility as a contracting party.

15)Booking Cancellation
There is no reimbursement in case of booking cancellation after payment has been made

The payment for the service of the purchase  of Luggage Storage’s space must only be paid online on the network.bags-free.com platform.
The transaction takes place between the Customer and the Supplier, Olibon Travel offers an intermediation service and is not considered an integral part of the contract.

17)Quality of provided services
The Supplier undertakes to keep the Customer’s luggage with the diligence of a good family father, making sure to return it in the same state in which it was received.
At the time of acceptance any visible damage must be indicated, if necessary ascertained by digital photography, in order to check the actual status at the time of delivery.
The space used for baggage storage must be locked, access will be controlled by the Supplier and allowed only to authorized personnel.
The Supplier must also provide adequate shelter in order to protect the baggage from damage and guarantee its integrity.

The information obtained for the purpose of performing the services, will be managed in compliance with privacy legislation, as Privacy Policy published on the  network.bags-free.com website.
The data uploaded on the website concerns: 1) the name, surname, address, telephone number and email address of the Final Customer; 2) quantitative data of baggage left in custody;
The data will be processed for the purpose of execution of the contract with manual, IT and/or telematic methods, and communicated to the Supplier for the sole purpose of performing the service.
The data will never be transferred to third parties, if not to the Territorial Authorities if requested for investigations of any reason.
The Parties may at any time verify the data in their mutual possession.
The Parties mutually consent to the processing of their data.

19)Service provision limitations
Olibon Travel reserves the right to modify, suspend or interrupt, in whole or in part, the Service at any time also without notice and without it being required to indicate the reasons underlying the aforementioned actions.
Olibon Travel cannot be held responsible for damages consequent failure to provide the Service which is the subject of this contract due to the incorrect or non-functioning due to the incorrect or failed functioning of the electronic means of communication causes unrelated to the sphere of its predictable control.
For example, but not limited to, the malfunctioning of the servers and other electronic devices even if these are not an integral part of the Internet network, malfunction of installed software, computer viruses, as well as hacker actions or other users having access to the network.

20)Jurisdiction, applicable law and competent court
The relationships between Olibon Travel and users are governed by Spanish law and jurisdiction, according to which also present General Conditions must also be interpreted. Except as provided by mandatory legal provisions, the Court of Valencia will be exclusively competent to settle any disputes concerning these General Conditions and the relationships governed by them.

These conditions may be subject to change. In case of substantial modifications, Olibon Travel will notify the user by email or other means of communication.


Thank you very much and enjoy our experiences

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